The Roadmap: February-March 2020
From Your Regional Director
As I write this, we are looking forward to a really nice lunch at Eddie V’s in Oak Lawn and hope to see everyone there. We began the year with a great tour of the Hildebaugh collection and lunch in Waxahachie. I’m always amazed to see a wonderful collection of Full Classics® in our backyard with which I am totally unfamiliar. This was a truly impressive collection housed in an equally impressive garage. What a great setting. Thanks are owed to Steve Chapman for organizing this event and to the Hildebaughs for hosting us.
Next month we will have our annual chili cook-off at Ray Kinney’s hangar. This is always a fun and well-attended event. Pull out your recipes and compete for the best chili award. No stew or other ersatz chilies, please. This ain’t New Jersey!
Ballots for the election of our club’s national directors are in the mail. There will surely be several new faces on the board as a couple of current directors are term-limited, and I believe two others are not running for re-election. I encourage you to read their profiles and cast your vote as it is critical that we have the most qualified members to address the challenges our club is facing.
With spring around the corner, I encourage you to do your annual ritual of getting everything up to snuff on your classic and not only bring it to our meets but drive it elsewhere as well. After all, these old cars appreciate nothing more than being driven. And if you haven’t signed up with the national club for a passport to record your mileage and obtain those awards, I encourage you to do so.
See you on the road.
Al Kroemer
Texas Region Chili Cook-Off
Saturday, March 14, at high noon is our always popular CCCA Chili Cook-Off at Ray and Bonnie Kinney’s Addison Airport Hangar. Located at 15809 Addison Road at the intersection with George Haddaway Street.
There will be a $10.00 admission charge per person this year to help offset the cost of rented tables and chairs. There is plenty of safe parking for Classic® or other interesting cars.
Everyone needs to RSVP to Bill Downs at 214-280-3269 or by email and tell him if they plan to bring chili for competition, a salad, appetizer, chips/dip, or dessert for judging.
This is always one of our most popular events, don’t miss it!!
Another Auto event of interest in the area is the Sweethearts and Orphans XXI on March 13-15.
This event is put on by the North Texas Chapter of the Essex-Hudson-Terraplane Club and will be in Waxahachie. It does conflict with our Chili Cook-off, but there is a Friday driving tour.
For more information about S&O, call Larry Kollie at (972) 903-9037 or email at
Virginia Buchanan will be managing registration. You may contact her at 940 389-3867 or email at
The North Texas Chapter of the HET Club are eagerly waiting to see old friends and make new ones in Waxahachie at S&O XXI
Our Region’s History on video
Before we became the Texas Region of the CCCA, we were the North Texas Region. Long-time member Chuck Conrad has long been a talented videographer for our club, and has compiled what he says is the first of several videos he has put together about our earlier history – this one from the year 1996 lasts 28 minutes and is filled with images of members now gone, as well as a bunch that are still with us.
You can view it here on the link to Youtube.
Cars and Lunch, it’s what we do.
In January we made a visit to the car collection of Jerry and Steven Hidlebaugh.
Thanks to Steve Chapman for letting us all meet at his home to caravan to the very large garage where the cars are kept. The location and garage were as interesting as the cars.
Once we found it!
Our Website
More photos from the January garage tour are on our website: Or just,
Or you can get there from the National site: Or Then just look for our region.
Take a look at our new website, it looks great!
Many thanks to Merle Tanner for keeping it up to date. Send any photos that you think would look good on the site to Merle. We could use more photos of Classics®.
Good News: New Members.
In November, members Rickey and Ellen Brantley from Fort Worth and Enrique Castellanos in McAllen, TX joined the CCCA.
Welcome to them and we hope to see them at an event soon!
Member Carl Edwards, formerly of Temple, has moved to Greenville, RI.
Passing of John Haynes
On January 11, we lost former member John Haynes. John was a long-time member of the North Texas Region and the RROC Texas Region up until a few years ago. He and wife Linda decided it was time to sell their Bentleys and slow things down a bit.
Several members attended his funeral service at the Highland Park Methodist Church.