The Roadmap: April-May 2019

 In The Roadmap

Directors Message

Fellow Classic enthusiasts,

If you weren’t able to make the lunch and ice cream social at Steve Chapman’s on April 14, you missed a lovely occasion. Not only was Steve a gracious host but moving the event from rainy Saturday to gorgeous Sunday was an inspired change. Steve generously shared his home and collections with us — not only beautiful cars but also fascinating antique fans, reproducing piano, historic house, etc. A big thank you goes out to Steve and all who helped provide box lunches, homemade ice cream, and homemade brownies, lemon bars, and sugar cookies. Who knew that an interest in old cars could make you fat and happy at the same time?

As we dodge some typical Texas spring weather, the opportunities to drive, enjoy, and share our cars with others increase. Keep an eye on our events calendar, which does morph and change as the year goes along. We have some great things planned in the upcoming months, all thanks to members who are willing to give of their time and talents to provide nice occasions for us to gather and learn and share interesting experiences. I look forward to seeing you when I can and enjoying your cars with you. I’ll be traveling a bit in the next few months, including driving my 1936 Chrysler Imperial Airflow to upstate New York for a wedding and then down to Charlottesville, Virginia, for the National Airflow Meet. I most surely will have stories to tell afterwards! And always remember, as much as we enjoy sharing our fine automobiles with fellow club members, it is vital that we also share them with the general public who probably knows nothing about them. Evangelize, proselytize, and share the gospel of Classic Cars! My blessings upon you.

Drive safely, but drive!

Chandler Smith

Upcoming Events

5/18 Visit to collection of Duffy Oyster and lunch at Hula Hut in Little Elm
6/15 Garage Tour – Angelo Mendez, David Disiere with catered lunch at Disiere’s Showroom
7/13 Fred Cornwall garage tour followed by ice cream social with Packard Club at Lois & Chuck Murphy’s home in Carrollton.
8/3 Sam Pack Museum with Packard Club
9/21 Tour to Kilgore to see Chuck Conrad’s Texas Broadcasting Museum
10/? Not-So-Grand Classic at Mike and Joy Ames’ home in Arlington
11/? Annual Meeting at Dallas Country Club
12? Christmas Party at Abacus Restaurant

Other Events of Interest

4/25-27 Pate Swap Meet
4/27 Park Cities Car Show
5/4-5 Keels & Wheels in Seabrook, TX
8/17 Pebble Beach
10/7-10 Hershey
10/19 Westlake Car Show

Garage Tour Coming Up

On Saturday, June 15th, the CCCA/Texas Region and the Packard Club will join forces for a tour of the garages of Angelo Mendez and David Disiere, both are located in Southlake. We will start out at Angelo’s garage that is full of beautifully restored Packards from 9 a.m. until 10:15. At that time, we will then tour over to David Disiere’s garage a short distance away to see his eclectic collection of cars from the ‘30s to the ‘60s, with a catered lunch by Soulman’s BBQ at 11:30 among the cars in the showroom.

Lunch will cost $20 per head, and will be collected at the door, so please have cash with you for that purpose. More details and direction to follow as the date gets closer.

Packard/CCCA Club Ice Cream Social

Saturday July 13, 2019 – 2:00 PM

Texas Region Annual Chili Cook-off

Saturday, February 23 we held one of our best attended events. Yes, it included food! We had 11 chili recipes to taste along with one stew, appetizers, salads and a table full of desserts.

Ray Kinney offered his hanger at Addison Airport for us to enjoy this feast. There was plenty of safe parking for our Classics®

This year we invited the local region of the RROC to join us. Everyone had a good time visiting while the judges got to their serious work. With 10 chilis to taste it was not an easy job.

Judges Joy Ames, Jim White, David Samara, Dan Harrison, and Keith Smith arrived at a decision and the rest of us then had a chance to try to find our favorite.

This year’s winner – Sandie Gambulos
Second place winner – Ray Kinney
Third Place – Tim Myrick

Dessert Winner – Jack Price
Second Place winner – Lynn Downs
Third Place winner – Joy Ames

Brunch at The Mansion

A chance to dress up and show off our cars. Saturday March 16th a group of our members gathered in their Classic®, or other interesting cars, to enjoy lunch at the Mansion on Turtle Creek.

Picnic and Ice Cream Social

We were lucky to be able to move this event to Sunday April 13th. That move saved us from the monsoon-like weather we had on Saturday.

Unfortunately, Paul Ridley had other water problems in his 1934 Chrysler Airflow Imperial Sedan. A leak in the new heater plumbing led to a flood on the new floor mats. With enough time under the hood, and lots of supervision, Paul got the car repaired for the drive home.

Thanks, Steve for hosting us!


Enclosed Car Trailer for rent:
Single-car fully enclosed car trailer for rent to CCCA/Texas Region members.
Has winch, electric brakes, and new tires. Fully inspected and licensed.
$100 per day rental fee. To check on reservation dates, call Bill Mott at 214/725-3496

Club fund Raisers

For Sale: 9 inch tall crystal carafe/vase with words “Classic Car Club of America” and car logo.
Cost $25, postage paid. Make checks payable to NTR-CCCA, and send to 7621 Grassland Dr. Fort Worth, TX 76133. For more info. Contact Mark Chambers (817)423-0953 (home) or

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