The Roadmap: First Quarter 2019

 In The Roadmap

Fellow Classic® enthusiasts,

The weather can’t seem to decide what it is doing these days, which provides us some intermittent opportunities to drive our Classics®. Exercise does our cars (and us!) a lot of good, so get them out and drive them and share them with current and future old-car lovers.

I would encourage you to take some time to reflect on each car you own. What excites you about that car? Why did you buy it in the first place? What was its history before you acquired it? What is your favorite feature? Where does it fall in the evolution of the automobile? Who was a likely buyer of such a car? How many were built? How many are remaining? These are all talking points you might use to share your pride and joy with someone who knows little or nothing about old cars, especially anything older than a Corvette! As current caretakers of these fine automobiles, yes, we need to think about our investment and our return on that investment, but we also need to think about who would be the next caretaker, both in an individual sense and in a broader sense. We value our cars because somewhere along the line we were taught why we should value them by someone. It is now our turn to cultivate that next generation of owner. Investments require investors!

As we know, there is more to a car than horsepower and top speed. We are fortunate enough to own and enjoy these gems. Let’s make sure that today’s public doesn’t think of them only as museum pieces. Fire them up, and let people see them in motion, and start a conversation!

The annual chili cook-off is coming up on Saturday, February 23. Details are listed elsewhere in this issue. Unfortunately, I have a concurrent, annual trip to California, which is why I have never been present at this event. However, I hear nothing but good things about it each year. Don’t be like me and miss it! RSVP ASAP, OK? And there will be a board meeting immediately preceding this event, to be led by Assistant Regional Director, Bill Mott. Thank you, Bill! An email reminder will be sent out to officers and board members.

Happy motoring to us all as we move toward spring!

Chandler Smith
Regional Director


FEBRUARY 23, 2019

The Texas Region CCCA Chili Cook-off will be at 12:00 noon on Saturday, February 23, 2019, at Addison Airport. The Rolls Royce and Packard clubs will be our guests. Ray Kinney is furnishing the space at his hanger at Addison Airport. There will be someone to meet you at the gate and escort you to the hanger due to airport security. There is plenty of safe parking to drive your Classic®, or another collector car.
Please either bring chili, or a dessert, appetizer, or salad. Email or call Bill Downs and let him know you are coming, if you are bringing any guests, and what you are bringing.

We are looking at some activity options for Spring & Summer. These include:
1. Brunch at The Mansion
2. Visit to Duffy Oyster’s home and collection in Dallas and lunch at his restaurant.
3. Tour to Cleburne
4. Picnic or ice cream social at Steve Chapman’s home
5. Tour to Kilgore to see Chuck Conrad’s radio and TV Museum
6. Tour and lunch at new Cowboy’s headquarters in North Dallas
7. Show cars at a local restaurant and have a noon meal
8. Picnic at Robin and Frank Guy’s

We have these events planned:
August 3 Tour of the Sam Pack collection with the Packard Club
October: Not-So-Grand Classic
November: Annual meeting at Dallas Country Club
December: Christmas Party at Abacus

Please report to Steve Chapman if you have preferences on the options, or if you have new suggestions, or if you will volunteer to put together an event.
Your Board needs your input.

Other local events of interest include:

March 1 – 3 Sweethearts & Orphans XX – in Waxahachie, TX. The North Texas Chapter of the Hudson-Essex-Terraplane Club. Many of our members participate in this event.

April 4 – 6 – Packard Club, Salado
April 25 – 27 – Pate Swap Meet
April 27 – Park Cities Show
Another great event that features many Classics® is Keels & Wheels held at the Lakewood Yacht Club in Seabrook, TX. May 4 – 5, 2019 is the 24th Anniversary of this event for both cars and boats.

The Concours will celebrate 100 Years of Bentley, and feature Lamborghini, and Shelby as the Automobile Marques.
Go to for information and registration.
This is a great place for a show, and also a weekend getaway, with Galveston so close by.

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winter-2018Texas CCCA Roadmap April-May 2019